Coupons are codes that users can redeem for points, achievements, and/or ranks on the Gamipress platform. These coupons extend and expand Gamipress by adding new activity events and features. For instance, when a user redeems a coupon, they can earn points, achievements, or ranks. Coupons can be time-limited by setting start and end dates, and restrictions can be placed on the total number of uses of a coupon or the maximum number of uses of a coupon per user. The redemption of all coupons is registered on logs. There are also options to restrict the coupon redemption to specific users and/or roles, or to exclude certain users and/or roles from being able to redeem the coupon. Users can find these coupons on various discount and promo code websites. However, each installation of the add-on will require a license key in order for the user to receive updates and support. The cost of a single site license is $49.00, for 2 - 5 sites it's $89.00, and for unlimited sites, it's $129.00. These prices entitle the user to 1 year of updates and support.